Description of Capillaroscopy
Capillaroscopy is a non-invasive, easy and safe diagnostic technique designed to evaluate small vessels of the microcirculation in the nail fold. It can reveal both the general architecture of capillary rows and fine details of particular vessels. Toproview products can be used as the simple and cheap capillaroscopy to catch some simple but clear images.
About Capillaroscopy
The most important indications for performing capillaroscopy include differential diagnosis of primary and secondary Raynaud’s phenomenon, as well as the assessment of scleroderma spectrum disorders. In systemic sclerosis, capillary abnormalities appear and evolve in a clearly defined sequence called the scleroderma pattern, which correlates with internal organ involvement.
Useful tips
Best Image Quality: A drop of paraffin oil, glycerine, or baby oil can be applied to the nail fold before examination in order to enhance transparency and provide the best results.
Application photo taken by Toproview model DM022C with polarizer
Application photo taken by Toproview model DM022C without polarizer
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